Monday, February 8, 2010

Fashion Sense

My son recently decided he had definite ideas about what he wanted to wear. One morning, only a month after Eliza was born, Landry insisted on wearing his dinosaur pajama pants with the top from another pj set, that said, "My Dad Rocks."

Suddenly, I had a decision to make: do I allow him to express his personality and simply wear what he wants to wear, or do I force my own will and put him in something more "appropriate?" I had several errands to run, that day...Nordstrom's, Target and the Plaza. For those of you not familiar with Kansas City, the Plaaaaahhza is a somewhat exclusive shopping area, just south of downtown. It is home to the original Hall's Department Store (established by the Hall Family, of Hallmark fame), Burberry, St. John...and several other more "humble" stores for "real" people like me. Long story short, I usually "dress" to go to the plaza. It's not the sort of place where I typically wear my "uniform" of yoga pants & a t-shirt.

So, after a little thought, I decided I would much rather have a son who feels free to be confident in his own skin (and his mismatched pajamas), rather than a conformist who finds his security in looks and a label. Off to the Plaaaaahhza we went, proud to advertise how "My Dad Rocks", clad in dinosaur pajamas.

Rock on, Landry Boy. I couldn't be more proud of you. Love, Mom


  1. I love it! They can only get by with wearing whatever for such a short phase. Good for you, Mommy for letting his creativity shine thru!
