So, there are things that our parents say that we sometimes just do a mental head smack and then please them by doing as they say/ask. As a young girl, I vividly remember my father specifically telling me "Megan, eat your vegetables...it will grow hair on your chest, just like me...ha ha ha" and so I did. Well, now I find myself telling my poor daughter the same thing...funny I swore I wouldn't do that. Recently I was at work and had to take a restroom break. As I stood washing my hands I did a quick glance in the mirror...hair, check...lip gloss, check...clothing covering my body to hide my gut, check...HOLD ON, theres a stray hair that's fallen on my chest, we'll just brush it off and go back to work. Funny, it's not brushing off...so I carefully take my fingernails and try to remove the hair and much to my horror find that IT'S ATTACHED!!! I guess it's payback for all those mental head smacks. As for me and my daughter...our diet now consists of Doritos and Pizza Rolls.
Hi! I'm visiting from MBC. Great blog.