Thursday, January 28, 2010

Spa dates to play dates

The day before I gave birth to Annabelle (our first born) I went for my usual manicure and pedicure. After proclaiming my love to the 5'' tall Oriental man that could have massaged my feet and hands until death do us part, I realized I hated the polish color he used. I vividly remember sweat beading up on my forehead as I thought about what awful things the labor and delivery nurses would think of my nail color. What trash they would think I was and not give me good treatment becuase of the retched color on my nails.
Well needless to say the nurses were amazing and that was the last mani/pedi I had for a LONG time. The closest thing I've had to a manicure is my nails stained orange from my son's babyfood carrots. Our lives change so quickly as we go through different stages. Please let me illustrate my point. My current lunch dates consist of an indoor playground and many many antibacterial wipes. My dinner dates are full of break downs and diaper changes. These are the days of my life.
The little things we don't think about and how it changes as the seasons of our lives change. You may be doing the weekly mani/pedi or just be happy to have the luxury of brushed teath. Either way be thankful for where you are and relish in the moment. I myself may be more like fermenting in the moment but whatever suits you. "This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it".
Enjoy your dates wheather it be a hot date, a play date or spa date. Happy dates all!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Reaching for reasons to shop; Haiti

If you're anyone besides my husband (which I love you dearly) you're looking for that "shopping rush" we all know and love. Don't lie to yourself, you know you have a few items safely hidden in your trunk or closet still with the tags on. The ones you say "Oh, I've had this for forever". Well I'm talking to you. Here is your chance to SHOP FOR A CAUSE! Below you will find a few vendors who have joined in the efforts to help Haiti and it's victims. If you need anymore excuses to shop please let me know. I've got plenty and by the way, your husband already knows it's new. Stop trying to pull one over on him.

The great brand of "Baby Legs" ( is helping with the tragedy in Haiti. Right now Baby Legs is donating 100% of their sales from their O'Rose Designs to Haiti relief efforts.
Wow. Everyone wins!
You can help Haiti and your little one can look great helping too! Check them out

Another great way to help Haiti victims is through your video game addition. I see you in the waiting rooms playing those games on your phone. Now you can purchase more games and it will benefit someone in need. PopCap will donate proceeds to help Haiti victims. By purchasing your computer games through you too can help. I know I'm not the only who can't stop playing "Bejeweld" so shop around and find your new addiction.
On Saturday 100% of all proceeds will go to "Partners in Health" in efforts to aid Haiti. So all you game heads can now play and help as well. Play for a cause!

One last way to shop for a cause is by purchasing a "Save Haiti" t shirt. There are many different styles, lots of colors and great graphics. There's something for everyone and who can't use another tshirt to run around in. The proceeds from the sale of this shirt will go to the RED CROSS to help with the relief efforts in Haiti.

We all can help in different ways. This is just a fun way to make a difference. If I know you and I think I do, you're going to shop. Why not shop for a cause? It's a great excuse for next time he asks "is that new".
Happy shopping!

The NON-Dairy Godmother

So, I am the Non-Dairy Godmother of The Smith Girls. Yes, I am a mother (2 step-daughters & 1 of my own) however, I have a somewhat different perspective than my sisters.

Since my daughter was 8 weeks old, I have worked full-time. Currently I work as an RN/Manager of a LARGE OB/GYN office, and I think I've seen/heard just about everything! Most recently I laughed when I thought maybe one of my sisters was calling, but this lady chose to go unidentified...she preceded to tell me she's on Birth Control (type unknown) and that she has taken 3 home pregnancy tests...ALL POSITIVE results. She asked, with a shaking voice, "that isn't possible...IS IT?". When I gave her the dreaded news "Yes it is possible" I could just picture her sinking down on the couch as one of my sisters did the day she realized she was pregnant (yet again, and sooner than anticipated for her 2nd child). She then continued to have a mini-mental breakdown with me over the telephone about how she already has 2 very young children, and this isn't possible, and what is she going to do, and what should she do because surely these 3 tests couldn't be right. Ladies...I'm here to tell you...It's possible! I've even had a young girl present to the office with an Ultrasound that confirmed the presence of a fetal heartbeat that still denied that she had sex...EVER! I can't say that I've met Mary (Jesus's Mom), but in my field I think I've come close on a day or 2 to a few "miracles".

FYI...(and this is my Professional piece of information) there's no absolute 100% safe Birth Control Method other than the one we all chose to observe for a while after the birth of our children...ABSTINANCE! Too bad our husbands don't understand how much that scares the poop out of us!

Bobby deeds a dap.

Let me first start by saying, I have a fantastic husband. He is truly my partner, my "other half" and my teammate. However, Evan must travel occasionally, to nurture business relationships & to direct/produce events for the company that we own. So, when I found myself sick this fall, and my husband had to travel 8 out of our daughter's first 12 weeks, I was miserable, to put it mildly. OK, I was desperate...for sleep, for help, for chocolate...

I couldn't shake the Nyquil-esque symptoms (coughing, sneezing, aching, stuffy head) AND I still had to care for everyone. Sigh.

Out of a sense of desperation, exhaustion & the sheer need to laugh at my own situation, I posted my Facebook status: Bobby deeds a dap.


We're quickly approaching Super Bowl Sunday. The only thing I can really tell you about Super Bowl Saturday (Kidding - Sunday) is that there is football, face paint and it last entirely too long for my liking. Yes, it's full of football and testosterone and grunting but it doesn't have to be just that. Make it an event. The men in your lives (the straight ones) will never admit it but really do appreciate a good party. Yes, even if the TV is on and there is non-high-fashion denim and sweatshirts there it can still be a good party. Take this weekend all you "not so much of a football fans" and make it something you can enjoy too! Get creative. Go to your local hardware/garden store and stock up on some AstroTurf for table decor. Don't just do the football shaped cheese ball really go all out. There are great invitations to be found on the Internet. Use some creativity girls an take back the day.

Oh you ask what we will be doing. Well Jayna has a tradition of going snow skiing each year during this weekend at Steamboat Springs CO. I myself have a tradition of always being pregnant and or breastfeeding. Not pregnant but will be breastfeeding so the cheese ball is as wild as I will be getting. That just means more time to think up more great party ideas!

Bring out your creativity in your food and decor. Ditch the old chips and dip and do it with style. You guest will appreciate it and even if they consume a tad bit too much beer to care, you will go to bed knowing you threw one heck of a SuperBowl Party.

Super Bowl Sunday doesn't have to be all about football anymore. Make it an event we all can enjoy! Now how to dress up a cag and make it look nice? I'll have to get back to you on that one. Enjoy the game!

See for other great Super Bowl Party ideas and for great invitations.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Birthing A Blog...

So, living 600 miles apart (she in KY, I in KS), Marissa & I constantly joke that we should have walkie talkies, rather than cell phones. (Thank heaven for unlimited texts & minutes.) In addition to being sisters, Marissa & I have discovered a dear, priceless friendship...and that friendship has only grown deeper, since we have each taken on the title of "Mom." This new, high-ranking position carries with it tremendous responsibility, occasional stress & frequent laughter, among many other things. And no Mom can or should travel this journey alone. Marissa & I have blessed each other with countless phone calls, texts, e-mails and care packages and finally decided it was time to write it all down. Mostly, we have funny stories or witty ideas which have stemmed from our persistent, sleep-deprived states. But occasionally, we have a little wisdom to share, too.

And where did the name come from, Girls? Glad you asked. Marissa & I are both nursing moms (there's a story or two there, but you'll have to keep reading...). While preparing for a week-long Disney trip & cruise, in celebration of my in-laws' 50th Anniversary, my husband & I decided it would be best if we left our then 11 week-old daughter at home with my parents. However, being a breastfed baby, I realized having enough milk on hand would require a LOT more milk than I had stored in the freezer, up to that point. So, in honor of the nature of our trip and the Disney characters we would undoubtedly encounter, I dubbed myself Eliza's "Dairy Godmother." And out of that nickname springs (pardon the pun) the blog that Marissa & I have talked about for at least two years.

We don't have it all figured out & yes, perhaps we are a little bit crazy, but we hope that, in the very least, we will bring a smile to the faces of other moms. Moms who, like us, just need a little affirmation & encouragement to make it 'till naptime...or graduation. ;)

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned...

Blessings to you & your bunch,

Jayna, A Dairy Godmother

Your "Dairy Godmothers" have arrived

This is the first post for me. I'M A BLOGGER, well atleast trying this on for size. This technology thing is so new to me. I would say this is a dawn of a new day but I've seen too many dawns in the past two years. Between my sisters, mother and I, we have experienced too many funny moments not to share them with the world.

We joke about being "Dairy Godmothers" ... the lactating version of a fairy Godmother, only in yoga pants, no make up and hair less desirable.

Well WELCOME to our blog. May be bring a smile to your face, take all your time you should be using to shower, get dinner or clean and may be assure you that there are others like you out there. We're called your Dairy Godmothers!