Tuesday, February 23, 2010

And on the eighth day he made cream cheese ... and it was good!

The world would come to an abrupt stop for me if there were no more cream cheese. When people see me buy it at the grocery I'm fairly certain they think I'm crazy because of the amount I buy. It's SO good and you can do so many things with it. Cook, clean, facial, lube job for the car ... OK, just kidding about the last ones but there really are 100s of recipes (sweet and savory) using cream cheese. Here are just a few!

Creamy Beef Stroganoff.
Quick, easy and oh so good. Try it and it will be part of your new favorites.
Chicken Enchilada.
This recipe really was heaven sent. I'm not kidding. I'm pretty sure when Jesus was born God also sent this recipe down from Heaven as well.

20 Minute Skillet Salmon
What a great light meal for Summer. With some fresh vegetables and a glass of wine, what could be better? (Unless you add a bad of peanut butter M&Ms)

Bell Ringer Salsa Cheesecake
You really have to try it to believe how good this on is. You will find reasons to make it. It's that good.
Sausage Cream Cheese Puffs
I mean really. What is better than sausage and cream cheese. Come on now! For a little spice I like to add some chopped jalapenos. YUMMY! If I go anywhere that requires an appetizer this is what I bring. Everyone's favorite!

Spicy Olive Dip
I will take credit for this one. Created this one in my own little kitchen and it's AMAZING if I do say so myself.
Start with two 8oz packages of softened cream cheese. Take 12 green olives, 12 black olives and jalapenos (about 6 slices) to taste. You will need two green onions, dash of salt and fresh ground pepper. For consistency put a splash of olive juice from each of the green and black olives. Mix everything together in a food processor and Viola! Oh so good and a favorite for many. We like to spread it on begal bites, crackers or it's even good on a dirty sock. It's that good.

Inexpensive, oh so yummy and unlimited possibilities. Stock up today with cream cheese and get cooking!
May your days be merry and full of cream cheese!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Energy drinks ....

A box came in the mail the other day. It was for my husband. Taking it upon myself to make sure there were no bombs in this box I opened it. No bombs, just energy drinks. Energy drinks? As my well rested husband opened the box of "energy drinks" and mixed one up, I myself in my frazzled frumpy sleep deprived state watched in question. Who's this drink for? "Don't you find it ironic that YOU are the one drinking the energy drink? I asked with one eye open because I didn't have the energy to open the other. Two teething babies + one attending mother through out the night = sleep deprivation at it's finest. It's not pretty. We both laughed as he drank his drink. I was laughing because I was delirious, he was laughing because he really found it funny.

Raise your energy drinks! Cheers!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Junk in my trunk? Try, my airbags have deployed and are not going back to original form

Too much "Junk in my trunk?" How about my airbags have deployed and are not going back to their original form. WOW! I've always heard how your body changes after childbirth but I had no idea. So if it looks good on Kim Kardashien how come I can't pull it off?
I keep asking my husband if Santa brings breast lifts to good Mommies. Can we just be Frank for a second? If your husband's personal parts were sagging or not in original form they would do whatever it takes to "rejuvenate" them. Right?
You hear all these mothers say they really are in touch with their bodies after childbirth and there's a new sense of being a woman with these changes. Well let me be the one to tell you they are on illegal street drugs. Don't let them fool you. My sister calls it being a science project. I myself just feel like a circus act at time. "Watch what I can do with this!"

I look at the women I know who have had children before me. The ones that show up in the carpool line with full hair and make up. I'm just jealous they have brushed teeth let alone makeup. What planet are they from? Why didn't they tell me what really was going to happen? I can say there are no regrets with the trade I made for my thin thighs and tight buns. These children are amazing.

Just a note of encouragment for those out there. If you're a mother that is perpetually wearing her "workout outfit with ball cap" to look like she's going to the gym but you're really just going to WalMart, you're not alone. One day we'll get it back. One day we won't be crawling on the floors with our little ones and having some sort of mystery something on our shirt and claim it's just yogurt. I know I will secretly miss this craziness though. Going to crazy thing together will make you closer. Think how close I will be to my children who are just now 2 and turning 1 next week.

Those days that you feel like a story on TLC, well ladies you're not alone. One thing is for sure I can work on down sizing the junk in my trunk but I'm pretty sure the airbags being deployed it will take expertise of a mechanic. I'm just thankful I don't live in South Beach and have to grocery shop in my bikini.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

... you get the office and I get the laundry room?

So my husband is the financially responsible one between us. He does all the bills, investing, retirement, etc. I on the other hand see cute shoes and consider them part of my financial portfolio; my "investments". All of this said he is the keeper of our desk/office area. Every once and a while I will tip toe into that space with magazines, paper work (of no importance) and an occasional craft that lingers on and on and on.
He announced not too long ago that he needed the office space to be used just for his bill paying and paper work. He needed a clear organized space to keep things running smoothly and orderly. It is decided. Office = Daddy. I asked him "so what space do I get all to myself?" With the smirk on his face and without hesitation he replied "The laundry room and kitchen". Yes friends, this is not a typo. My husband declared his unselfishness by offering up my own spot in the house - the laundry room and kitchen. What a kind and loving husband to do so.
Needless to say I'm going to have a wetbar, tv and lounge chair put in the laundry room. Happy Laundry everyone!

Monday, February 15, 2010

My first grey hair...

So...it's no secret. I'm 36. I got the greatest birthday gift, last year: our daughter, Eliza B. The night before she was born, I told Evan (at 10pm), "ya know that shower you were talking about taking? I think now would be a good time. We are going to the hospital, tonight." We arrived at the hospital at 11pm and it was 3 1/2 hours from "Huh...could it be? to...TA-DA!" Yup, no time for so much as a Tylenol. So I would consider myself a pretty strong, confident woman. I actually am kinda proud of my stretch marks...they are a sign of how my body grew, to accommodate these two fabulous, amazing little people. My body has changed a bit, after two pregnancies and 36 years on this earth. I'm OK with that. I have a good eye cream for the particularly rough mornings.

However...I have not yet come to terms with the idea of grey hair. I have not, up to this point discovered any on my head. That is, until I looked in the mirror, the other morning.

I was doing the usual whisker check of the chin & therefore getting an extreme close-up in the mirror when, much to my chagrin, I saw it: my first grey hair. There it was...peeking out of my left nostril.

Monday, February 8, 2010

A Father's Wisdom

So, there are things that our parents say that we sometimes just do a mental head smack and then please them by doing as they say/ask. As a young girl, I vividly remember my father specifically telling me "Megan, eat your vegetables...it will grow hair on your chest, just like me...ha ha ha" and so I did. Well, now I find myself telling my poor daughter the same thing...funny I swore I wouldn't do that. Recently I was at work and had to take a restroom break. As I stood washing my hands I did a quick glance in the mirror...hair, check...lip gloss, check...clothing covering my body to hide my gut, check...HOLD ON, theres a stray hair that's fallen on my chest, we'll just brush it off and go back to work. Funny, it's not brushing off...so I carefully take my fingernails and try to remove the hair and much to my horror find that IT'S ATTACHED!!! I guess it's payback for all those mental head smacks. As for me and my daughter...our diet now consists of Doritos and Pizza Rolls.

Fashion Sense

My son recently decided he had definite ideas about what he wanted to wear. One morning, only a month after Eliza was born, Landry insisted on wearing his dinosaur pajama pants with the top from another pj set, that said, "My Dad Rocks."

Suddenly, I had a decision to make: do I allow him to express his personality and simply wear what he wants to wear, or do I force my own will and put him in something more "appropriate?" I had several errands to run, that day...Nordstrom's, Target and the Plaza. For those of you not familiar with Kansas City, the Plaaaaahhza is a somewhat exclusive shopping area, just south of downtown. It is home to the original Hall's Department Store (established by the Hall Family, of Hallmark fame), Burberry, St. John...and several other more "humble" stores for "real" people like me. Long story short, I usually "dress" to go to the plaza. It's not the sort of place where I typically wear my "uniform" of yoga pants & a t-shirt.

So, after a little thought, I decided I would much rather have a son who feels free to be confident in his own skin (and his mismatched pajamas), rather than a conformist who finds his security in looks and a label. Off to the Plaaaaahhza we went, proud to advertise how "My Dad Rocks", clad in dinosaur pajamas.

Rock on, Landry Boy. I couldn't be more proud of you. Love, Mom

Monday, February 1, 2010

Convenience Store

A week after the birth of our son, I told my husband, "I am a convenience store."

"A convenience store?"

"Yes, I have gas and milk and I'm open 24/7."