Monday, February 22, 2010

Energy drinks ....

A box came in the mail the other day. It was for my husband. Taking it upon myself to make sure there were no bombs in this box I opened it. No bombs, just energy drinks. Energy drinks? As my well rested husband opened the box of "energy drinks" and mixed one up, I myself in my frazzled frumpy sleep deprived state watched in question. Who's this drink for? "Don't you find it ironic that YOU are the one drinking the energy drink? I asked with one eye open because I didn't have the energy to open the other. Two teething babies + one attending mother through out the night = sleep deprivation at it's finest. It's not pretty. We both laughed as he drank his drink. I was laughing because I was delirious, he was laughing because he really found it funny.

Raise your energy drinks! Cheers!

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